Causes of a Slow Computer after Reinstalling, Complete Solutions to Overcome it

The function and role of a computer device is not much different from a laptop. It’s just that the computer is not flexible because it can not be carried anywhere. Generally a reinstalled computer will work like a new device, but the opposite can happen if there is a problem with the device.
What causes a slow computer after reinstalling? The problem from the cause of the slow computer is related to software and hardware. Usually it will be difficult to detect the cause of the slow computer after reinstalling, but not impossible. Understanding it is very important. All computer users, including Windows and MacOs, should understand the common causes of slow computers to identify slow computers after reinstalling. The goal is for computer performance to be maintained and the devices owned are more durable.
Reinstalling the computer is one solution when the computer starts to error or experiences some problems. However, it must also be known that even reinstalling can be the cause of a slow computer. Why is that so? The cause of the slow computer when reinstalled is the influence of software or hardware. There are many problems that can affect the functioning of the software to make the computer system work slow or slow, as well as hardware.
The software problem that causes the computer to slow down when reinstalled is the operating system that does not support the computer. The cause of the slow computer when reinstalled is also influenced by viruses, and VGA drivers that have not been installed.
Meanwhile, hardware problems that cause slow computers when reinstalled are when the hard disk has problems and the mainboard is damaged. It could also be the cause of the slow computer when reinstalled related to the memory that is starting to have problems. Efforts to get the computer back to normal and not slow or slow, consult a computer or laptop service specialist who is proven to be licensed. Usually the computer will be thoroughly checked and recommended the most effective solution, feel free to share your concerns about other computer problems, OK!
Other Causes of Slow Computers
1. The cause of a slow computer is a burdened RAM
The number of applications that run at start-up can be a common cause of a slow computer. RAM will work too hard to allocate all the space it has.
Especially on applications that run at start-up so of course, this will make RAM very burdened. This common slow computer cause needs to be watched out for. In addition, it is not uncommon for users to open many applications at one time. This is also a common cause of slow computers, due to limited RAM.
2. The Cause of Slow Computers is Temporary Files
A common cause of a slow computer can be because there are too many temporary files. Actually temporary files can be very useful to speed up access to site data that you have visited. But it turns out that temporary files can also be a common cause of slow computers. If the hard disk is almost full, the existence of these temporary files will take up hard disk space. Though it should still be left to be used as a page file. The goal is to help RAM run various programs. This common cause of a slow computer is often underestimated.
3. The Cause of Slow Computer is Hard Disk
A common cause of a slow computer is a problem with the Hard Disk. If the hard disk is old, it is necessary to replace it. Hard Disks have an age limit. An old hard disk will affect the overall performance of the computer. The cause of this common slow computer is usually also influenced by the defragmented Hard Disk factor. This causes the process of reading data on the hard disk partition to be slow. In carrying out the process of reading and searching data, the computer system will search for data stored on the hard disk using an index system. If you never do defragmentation, the stored data will be scattered when accessed, it will take a longer process.
4. The Cause of a Slow Computer is a Startup Program
The number of startup programs on the computer can be a common cause of a slow computer. Some applications will run in the background automatically when you start the computer. The more applications that run automatically when booting, the more common causes of slow computers will be. Usually when the computer start-up is very slow and sometimes it will take up to 2-3 minutes. Coupled with the problem of loading times that are so long when opening applications shortly after start-up, this is a common sign of slow computer causes.
5. The Cause of Slow Computer is Internet Access
When opening a browser, users often open multiple tabs on the browser to access several sites at once. Though habits like this can be a common cause of slow computers. This can put a greater load on the computer’s RAM. For example, if a user opens 10 tabs simultaneously, of course the load on the computer’s RAM will be ten times.

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